DemoBoard Viewer Privacy and ‘I’m New Here’

Within a Consensus DemoBoard, the ‘Who Are You’ page is built to drive social pressure by showing who else has been invited to the DemoBoard. This helps drive engagement as recipients see other associates listed. The ‘Who Are You’ page also allows the option for New Viewers to sign up to be able to enter into the DemoBoard. 

the ‘Who Are You’ page shows the Name and Email associated with each viewer and shows the ‘I’m New Here’ button when 'Increase Viewer Privacy' is OFF:





Consensus gives you the flexibility to determine what information your viewers can see about other recipients within their particular DemoBoard. To adjust these options, click Settings (Cog) in the lower left-hand corner then select Global Demo Settings:


The ‘Increase Viewer Privacy’ settings are found under the Account Settings tab. By default, this feature is ON at 'Low' level:


You will have two levels of Viewer Privacy you can set, Low and High:



Increase Viewer Privacy: Low

Setting the Viewer Privacy to Low will remove the email addresses of recipients within the ‘Who Are You’ page. This limits any contact information from being available:Screenshot_403

You'll have an additional option to enable the Secure Name Display



This will hide the Recipient's Last Name



Increase Viewer Privacy: High

Setting the Viewer Privacy to High will remove all Viewer information and require the Viewer to input their email address used within the DemoBoard in order to access the Demo. This completely hides any information about Viewers to ensure complete viewer privacy along with adding a level of Security by requiring viewer email:


If the provided email matches any recipient's email on the DemoBoard list, access to the Demo is granted. Otherwise, access is denied.


I’m New Here’ Button

Whether or not you have viewer privacy set to ‘Low’ or ‘High,’ you can also decide if you want the ‘I’m New Here’ button to be displayed or not. When displayed, new viewers who were not previously on the DemoBoard invite can register to view the DemoBoard. All previous screenshots in this article show a DemoBoard with this setting ON. When not displayed, new viewers will not be able to access the DemoBoard unless they are invited to it. We will show you examples below.

This setting is accessed in the same settings location in Global Demo Settings. You can toggle it on/off as shown below:



Viewer Privacy OFF - ‘I’m New Here’ disabled:



Viewer Privacy LOW - ‘I’m New Here’ disabled:


Viewer Privacy LOW & Secure Name Display ON - ‘I’m New Here’ disabled:


Viewer Privacy HIGH - ‘I’m New Here’ disabled:



IMPORTANT NOTE*: These Account Settings hold true for all Demos and all Users. The Privacy Setting you select will hold true for all DemoBoards created. It will also update for any DemoBoards previously created before the setting was updated.