Demo Thumbnails

Choose a thumbnail for your demo during the creation flow, or change it later in the demo library!

There are two ways to customize the thumbnail for your demo. You can either choose a thumbnail during the demo creation flow or go into the Demo Library, select a demo, and edit the thumbnail for that demo.


When you choose a thumbnail for your demo, you'll have two options:

1) Select an option from 8 thumbnails that Consensus automatically generates from your demo

2) Upload an image file from your device and set it as the thumbnail for your demo.

Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 3.21.43 PM

Once you've selected your thumbnail, it will be the internal thumbnail for your demo. Anyone who sees your demo in the library will see the thumbnail you've selected. Additionally, when someone creates a DemoBoard with your Demo, the thumbnail you've selected will be the default thumbnail for their DemoBoard image link. However, demoboard creators will also have the option to customize the thumbnail for their demoboard image link.