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Consensus Certified Glossary

Here are definitions for the terminology we use at Consensus Certified


A credential is a qualification or achievement that a person has earned, which is used to indicate their suitability or skill within a particular subject. At Consensus these credentials are visualized by issuing certificates or badges, and they’re issued through a tool called Accredible.

As part of Consensus Certified we have 3 types of credentials:

  • Course achievement certificates/badges
  • Product skill badges
  • Award badges of notable participation at a conference or event


Consensus is an issuer of credentials through a platform called Accredible. We use Accredible to create, publish and manage credentials.

Accredible is also used by companies like Google, Slack, Gong, Sage, & Harvard University. See more on the Accredible site


Recipients are individuals who receive credentials from Consensus, through Accredible.

  • Recipients do not pay to use the Accredible platform
  • Recipients use Accredible to view, share and manage their credentials


Stakeholders are viewers of recipients' credentials who wish to verify the achievement or skill that credential is associated with.

Examples of stakeholders include employers, potential employers and customers