Overview: How to Create Public Links for Marketing

How to Create Public Links for Your Marketing Campaign in Various Locations, Including Embedding on Your Website

Within Create Public Link of Consensus, you will have the ability to

  1. Select Demo

  2. Create the unique name for the public link

  3. Pick The Public Link Location with the following location options:

      1. Website

      2. Email

      3. Social Media

      4. Other

  4. Customize where the lead gate should be triggered, this will override the Lead Gate set on the Global Settings. 

Once you create the public link, you can share it in various formats, such as a thumbnail or a button.

  1. Thumbnail Share As options: 
    1. Copy Link
    2. Copy Embed Code <iframe src="[Public Link Url]" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    3. Copy Thumbnail
  2. Button Share As option: 
    1. Copy Button

You can embed the public link directly onto your website builder, email campaign, or share and post the public link on social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook. 

Once you create your public link, you can view and track data points to identify which viewers are qualified for the demo. From this page, you can also edit, preview, and share the demo with prospective customers.

Once public links are created, you can track their performance using the "Track Public Links" tab, where you can view detailed data points and metrics. Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 9.07.58 AM

Within Track Public Link tab, user can hover over the created public links to copy like, share, preview, edit, delete or archive as long as the user has access and permissions to manage and modify public links. 

What happens when you archive Public Links? 

  • When users archive a public link, the link will be grayed out on the Track Public Links tab. It can be restored by clicking the "Unarchive" icon.
    Screenshot from 2024-07-01 14-30-54

What happens when you delete Public Links? 

  • Once deleted, the public link will be removed from the Track Public Links page.

What happens when you archive and/or delete Public Links on the Demo Player? 

  • For the case when Public Link is archived, the PL will still be playing.
  • For the case when Public Link is deleted, to confirm the public link has expired, the viewer will receive a warning message prompting them to contact customer support. image (30)

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 7.04.51 AM

Note: The following metrics, along with the date range filter are not available yet, but it would be soon after this release:

  • Total Qualified Leads
  • Total Views
  • Tours Views

For more information on Public Link Demolytics and updated data points for non-lead viewers, refer to article here [article coming soon].