Demo Language Settings

Customize the text within the Demo Player

Welcome to Demo Language Settings, where you can customize the DemoPlayer text to match your brand! To access Demo Language Settings, go to Settings and then Global Demo Settings.

Then, select ‘Demo Language Settings.’

Start by choosing which language you want to customize (Consensus supports 16 languages and will display any of those languages you enable). Next, select the link type you’d like to customize: DemoBoards or Public Links. In this example, we will select ‘English’ and ‘DemoBoards.’


Now that you’ve selected the language and link type, you can go through the experience by screen and customize several spots within the DemoPlayer. In this example, we will customize the ‘Personalization page.’

On the personalization page, you can customize the Avatar message, including the header and the body.

As you customize, you will see an orange pop-up within the preview screen that shows you the text you are editing.

Something to note is that you can type variables that will automatically pull both the contact’s (sender's) and the viewer’s first name and last name into their experience. To add one of those variables, simply type “{{“ and select an option, as shown below:

*Note: There are only certain text boxes where the variables are accepted

The customization experience is the same for Public Links. We will now look at customizing ‘English’ Public Links.


You’ll see the options you have to customize within the public link page. In this example, we will customize the ‘Demo Player Page.’

We will then have the option to customize the text for that page, as shown below:


Opt-In Message:

To edit the opt-in message, you'll select 'DemoBoards' for any language and then select 'Cover Page'. Within that editing screen of the cover page, you'll see 'Global Text.' This is where you can edit the opt-in message.

Please be aware that there is a 500-character limit to the opt-in message.

Note: We believe the opt-in message we have provided is sufficient for compliance purposes. Please note that if you customize the opt-in message, the following will apply:
You are choosing to customize the text message used to obtain a demo viewer’s consent to track their viewing activities. Doing so may cause [your company] to be non-compliant with data privacy regulations. By proceeding, Consensus disclaims, and you assume full responsibility for, any risk or liability resulting from your modification of these consent terms.

Other Important Notes:

  • Any customization for a language will apply to ALL of your organization’s existing and new DemoBoards or Public Links for that language.
  • Here are the available variable options within the customization experience (DemoBoards only):
    • contactFirstName (DemoBoard Sender)
    • contactLastName (DemoBoard Sender)
    • viewerFirstName
    • viewerLastName
    • company (Opt-in Message)