How to Use URL Parameters for Pre-filling Data During DemoBoard Creation

Here's a quick article on the URL parameters that are available for customers to use within DemoBoard creation page.


 We recently released the ability to pre-fill more information on our DemoBoard creation page within the web app. You can do this by using newly available URL Parameters. 

Available Parameters:

  • demo
    • The UUID of the demo you want to pre-select
  • organization
    • The organization name  or text you want to include on the demoboard
  • subtitle
    • The Subtitle information/text you want to include on the demoboard
  • externalaccountid
    • The Account ID/CRM ID#1 that is available for you to use
  • externalopportunityid
    • The Opportunity ID/CRM ID#2 that is available for you to use

Here's an example of a formatted link which shows how you could use these url parameters when redirecting into the creation experience in our web application.

*Note - If you are using spaces within your values above, the will resolve and be brought in appropriately to the form fields. 



Empty values


Using the URL parameters to pre-fill the page information:



Use Case:

These can be useful for companies that need to create their own simple integrations or workflows into Consensus. If for example, you have a custom button from your application or your custom CRM that needs to help sales reps create a demoboard in our application faster, you could gather up information about that Account, along with some associated IDs, and send the data with the redirect into our app. 

Sales reps will be able to quickly finish creating the DemoBoard and send it off. 

When you download the reports from Consensus, we will include the link Account/Opp IDs for your CRM inside of our reports so you can match up demoboard data and engagement to your sales opportunities.