How To Sync DemoBoards with Homerun PreSales Evaluation Workspaces

Learn about using our integration with Homerun Presales to bring in Demolytics to your evaluation workspaces.

Integration Overview: 

  • Functionality includes:
    • Consensus Demolytics will be available on each deal/evaluation workspace in Homerun
    • Aggregate view of the Demo Boards: Name, Date Created, Total Recipients, Engagement, Total View Time, Total Views, Last Activity, and Owner (see below)
    • Homerun user can click into the DemoBoard to see the Viewed and Invited tables associated with the Demo Board (see below)
    • Hyperlink that opens new browser window and takes Homerun user to the Demo Board in Consensus.

Why Is it Important? 

  • Empower presales team members with more data prior to upcoming SE engagements. 
  • SEs want to know what has a prospect seen so far, how have they prioritized demo content, and who has seen the demo content.


Administration and Setup

  • To connect to Consensus, visit the available “Connectors” for your Homerun account, and select Consensus. 
  • You will need to be an administrator of your Consensus account in order to have access to your API Key and Secret. 
  • Enter your connection details and select “Save.”



Adding a Demoboard to an Evaluation Workspace

Manually add a demo via the demoboard URL

  • You can add multiple demoboards related to an opportunity. Currently this is done manually by pasting the demoboard URL from Consensus web app.
  • Homerun parses out the demoboard UUID from the link and sends a request to our API to fetch that specific demoboard.
  • You can see a nice glimpse of overall views, last activity, etc from this level. 
  • Actions - “View Details” 


Demoboard Details View

This table provides more detailed look at data on each viewer of a demoboard, and on the features that they marked as important to them. 

  • Actions from this view: 
  • Click link icon to be taken directly to demoboard link screen in Consensus. 
  • Clik on analytics icon to be taken to the Consensus heatmap