Manual Groups management for SSO Provisioning

Manual Groups management for SSO Provisioning

To create the custom field, the following steps have to be performed

  • Go to Directory>Profile Editor and select the connected with Consensus Application
  • Once the Profile Editor is opened, click 'Add Attribute' button


  • On the opened form we need to provide the following information




Data type



Display name

Any convenient for you name


Variable name



External name



External namespace 




Any convenient for you description (optional)



has to be checked


Attribute members 

The list of Groups within your Account should be provided with their ids

The Account level group:

1.     Ask you Administrator to get the value for ‘Value' field in Okta.

2.     For 'Display name’ the name of your Account in Consensus should be used

The list of subgroups:

1.     Go to >Manage Users&Access>Groups tab and click 'Edit' for the needed Group

2.     After the Edit Group page is opened

  • use the value of ‘Name' from Consensus for 'Display name’ in Okta
  • use the id from the browser link address in Consensus for 'Value' in Okta for this Group

3.     Repeat it for all needed Groups

Attribute length 

no updates needed


Attribute required

has to be checked



has to be checked

  • Save the form

Further Custom field managing for Consensus Groups

If there is any update within the Groups on Consensus side - these updates should be transfered to Okta as well. To do it, go to the same place in Okta, find the needed custom field and click 'Edit'. The new Group might be added or existing might be edited/deleted.