ReachSuite's Salesforce Integration Setup

how to configure Salesforce integration for ReachSuite

STEP 1: Configure ReachSuite <> integration

  1. Go to Integrations in left hand panel in your ReachSuite Portal
  2. Click Connect on card and login


STEP 2: The following fields need to be set up in SFDC before we connect the integration.

You must first create a custom object.

Create Custom object:

  • Custom Object Name: ReachSuite Event
  • API Name: reachsuite

This object needs to have the following Attributes:

  1. Contact
    • Label: Contact
    • Field name: Contact__c
    • Data type: Relationship Lookup (Contact)
  2. Created
    • Label: Created
    • Field name: Created__c
    • Data type: Date/Time

  3. Experience Name
      • Label: Experience_Name
      • Field name: Experience_Name__c
      • Data type: Text Area (255 characters)
  4. Invited Email
      • Label: Invited Email
      • Field name: InvitedEmail__c
      • Data type: Text Area (255 characters)
  5. Bounces
      • Label: Bounces
      • Field name: Bounce__c
      • Data type: Text Area (255 characters)
  6. Conversion
      • Label: Conversion
      • Field name: Conversion__c
      • Data type: Text Area (255 characters
  7. Created By
      • Label: Created By
      • Field name: CreatedById
      • Data type: Relationship Lookup (User)
  8. Form email
      • Label: Form Email
      • Field name: Form_Email__c
      • Data type: Text Area (255 characters)
  9. Last modified by id
      • Label: Last Modified By
      • Field name: LastModifiedById
      • Data type: Relationship Lookup (User)
  10. Owner is
      • Label: Owner
      • Field name: OwnerId
      • Data type: Relationship Lookup (User,Group)
  11. Seconds on widget
  12. Name
      • Label: Name
      • Field name: Name
      • Data type: Text Area (80 characters)
  13. W_Bounce
      • Label:W_Bounce
      • Field name:W_Bounce__c
      • Data type: Text Area (255 characters)
  14. W_Conversion
      • Label: W_Conversion
      • Field name: W_Conversion__c
      • Data type: Text Area (255 characters)
  15. Segmentation
      • Label: segmentation
      • Field name: segmentation__c
      • Data type: Long Text Area(32768)
  16. Question
      • Label:question
      • Fiel name: question__c
      • Data type: Long Text Area(32768)

The object and attributes need to  match the above details with the exception of the Label. The Label can be configured to the user’s preference