Recording a Personal Video with Consensus SNAP
Open Snap and click on the “Create DemoBoard" button at the top of the page.
On the first step of the flow, you can choose to select demos from your library, or select "Record Video". A new tab will open next to the side panel with the Consensus web recorder, where you can choose to record just your camera, or record your screen.
Select "Record," and if recording your screen you'll be prompted to select which screen, tab or window you'd like to record. If you have multiple screens being displayed you'll need to choose which one to record:
As soon as you click "Share" the screen recorder will give you a 3,2,1 countdown (displayed on the page). Once the countdown has finished the recorder will begin.
When you're finished recording your video you have multiple ways to stop the recording. If you record a "Tab", then select "Stop Sharing" at the top of the screen.
If you closed the Snap window while recording then you can also stop the recording by clicking on the "Stop Sharing" button found at the bottom of the page:
Next you'll be taken to the Editor. Here you can:
- Edit the title of the demo
- Crop the window
- Trim the beginning or end of your video by moving the orange sliders found on the left and right of the play bar
- If you recorded with your Webcam on, move the location to one of the corners
Click on "Done Editing" and SNAP will launch and start uploading the video. When the video is uploaded and processed you’ll be able to move to the next step by clicking on the Next button in the bottom right-hand corner:
Next, you’ll enter the DemoBoard Name, Account/Opportunity (if applicable), the Organization name and an optional subtitle. This is where you will also add the recipients who will receive the demo:
Next you will decide if you want to add a Personal Intro recording as a precursor to the video you just created. You can choose from a default saved to your profile, record a new customer intro, or select to finish without one.
After choosing your personal intro video, you be taken to the last Additional Options step before being able to copy your link.
On this step you can choose to add users for Notifications and Access to the DemoBoard, and toggle on different settings such as Two-Factor Authentication, DemoBoard Expiration, No-view notifications and more.
Finally, select "Create DemoBoard" and you'll be given a pop-up page to select the Thumbnail, button, or text link. Scroll to the bottom of this pop-up to copy the actual link.