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  2. Getting Started with Consensus

How to set your logo as your Account Name

In this article we will walk through how you can set your company logo as your Account name within Consensus.

Adding your Company Logo makes the Consensus Platform feel that much more customized for your end Users. As they log into Consensus they will see your Logo in the upper left hand corner:


In order to set up your Account Name as your Logo you will need to be an Admin within your Consensus Account. If you are an Admin, simply follow these steps to add your logo:

  1. Click on Your Account name in the lower left hand corner:

  2. Within the Account Profile Page, click on the 'Camera' icon to Upload:

  3. Select the Company Logo image you want to use for your Account Name and click 'Open'

  4. This will add the Logo to your Account and use it in place of your Account Name

That's it! Your logo is now set as your Account Name.



  • The exact pixel size available for the Logo is 150x40. Our system will automatically size your logo to that space if it is larger than that.
  • If you want to change the Logo you are using or go back to the Account Name, simply delete the uploaded logo by clicking the trash icon next to the logo within the Account Profile page.
