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  3. Creating/Editing Demos

How do I rename the feature titles?

To rename the title Features or Topics of your demo you'll need to edit the Demo. 

Any updates or edits made to an existing Demo will automatically update all DemoBoards previously created. This includes changing logos, adding new logos, updating videos, adding tours, and uploading new documents. 

To update or edit an existing demo: 

  1. Navigate to the Demo Management tab found on the left-hand side within the menu bar and select "Demo Library" 
  2. Within the "My Demos" tab or the "Demo Library" tab find the Demo you want to edit.  
  3. In the "Actions" column, select the "pencil" icon of the Demo you want to edit.

  4. With the Demo Wizard now open, select Step 3 "Demo Content" to edit your Feature or topic titles and descriptions.
  5. Select the Feature you want to edit under the "Feature Content" section by clicking on the gray box to open the editor and begin making the necessary changes. 
  6. Click "Save & Exit" and the Demo and past DemoBoards featuring this Demo will be updated automatically.

  • To reorder the features in a Demo select the 3 horizontal lines next to the feature name in the Demo Wizard and drag them in the order you prefer.
  • A user must have the correct user role assigned and access level
    to the demo in order to edit the demo.
  • To learn more on  "How To Title Feature Videos" check out this article.