ReachSuite Analytics

how to get to and interact with ReachSuite Analytics

ReachSuite Analytics covers a wider variety of Buyer Intent information and helps you understand what tours are performing well. To get to ReachSuite Analytics click on “Analytics” in the left-hand navigation panel



It is important to note that our analytics are updated every hour on the hour and be sure to select a start date in the past if you want to see more data. We default to today’s date. If there is ever a visual missing that you expect to be there, this is usually a result of there is no data feeding into that visual yet, or in other words there is no data available for that visual yet based on the session data to date

Our analytics on the Individual Experience. Aggregate Experiences, Individual Demo, and Aggregate Demo cannot and are not tied to any particular user. These are roll ups of session data

Smart Link Tracking and Email Address From Widget Form are the two spots within our analytics dashboard that you can see information about the specific viewer based on their email address


If you want to see more information tied to specific contacts, check out our CRM integration article


Working from left to right on the tabs we start on the “Individual Experience” tab. This section is a roll up of session data around a selected tour


You can select your tour with the dropdown, then select your date range and you will see the following session data:

  • Average time spent in the session (in seconds)
  • Total number of sessions
  • Total number of CTA clicks
  • Where in this experience do people click the CTA the highest?
  • Where in this experience do people bounce the highest?
  • Session count by day
  • CTA click count by day
  • Average time spent on each widget
  • Discovery question information visualized and put into a table


See a quick preview below:


Next is the “Aggregate Experiences” tab. This section is a roll up session data around all tours in your account


For this section you need only select your date range and you will see the following session data:

  • Total number of sessions
  • Session count by day
  • CTA click count by day
  • Top 5 of:
    • Experiences with the most sessions
    • Experiences with the most CTA clicks
    • Experience owners with the most sessions
    • Experiences wonders with the most CTA clicks

See a quick preview below:

Next is the “Aggregate Demo” tab. This section is a roll up of session data around a selected tour


You can select your tour with the dropdown, then select your date range and you will see the following session data:

  • Total number of sessions
  • Session count by day
  • CTA click count by day
  • Top 5 of:
      • Demos with the most sessions
      • Demos with the most CTA clicks
      • Demos owners with the most sessions
      • Demos wonders with the most CTA clicks

See a quick preview below:

To learn more about why each visual is important and how it is calculated click here