ReachSuite CRM Integrations

how to connect and manage our integrations as well as understanding what they do and how they work

There are two parts to this section, connecting our integrations, understanding what our integrations do once they are connected and when they are used


Connecting Integrations


To connect our integrations, a Hubspot or Salesforce Admin will need to be added to ReachSuite. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Support to have your admins added

Both Hubspot and Salesforce integrations can be used at the same time so if you need both connected and they are different users, be sure to have both users added to ReachSuite

To access our integrations, you simply click “Integrations” on the left-hand navigation. From there, you click “Connect” on the integration tile



Then follow the simple prompts. In order to connect either of the integrations you will need to enter in your credentials for the respective integrations

After the following Hubspot prompts, it will be fully connected. The only extra step you may need to do is be sure that the ReachSuite integration is selected under the “Filter Activity” dropdown



Check out this article on Hubspot workflow automation that can level up the power of our integration


For the Salesforce integration there are a few extra steps. Click here to review the additional setup instructions


What do our integrations do


Our integrations will be triggers two separate ways:

  • Smart Links
  • Required Email

Viewers of tours can be sent a smart link for individualized tracking or may be required to enter an email address before viewing a tour. In either of those situations the ReachSuite integration will be triggered because the viewer is known

Our integration sends over viewer information, every hour on the hour. If the email address entered in the smart link generation or by the viewer (if the email address is required) is in the CRM already the activity will be logged in the CRM under the respective contact

If the email address does not exist in the CRM, then the contact will be created with the email address and then the activity will be logged under that newly created contact

Here is what the viewer data will look like in Hubspot and Salesforce: