What do I do if I don’t want my prospect to have access to a DemoBoard anymore?

Hopefully the need to “remove access” to a Demo that you have sent to a prospect does not come up very often, however, should the need arise this is how you would do it. Let’s say that you have sent out a Demo to a prospect, and for whatever reason you no longer want the prospect to have access. 

The first option would be to navigate to your Track DemoBoards section under the DemoBoards dropdown and find the DemoBoard that needs to have access removed. From here you will navigate to the three little dots on the right-hand side and click delete.


Now, when your prospect goes to click on the link that you sent out it will take them to the main page where they click their name, but it won’t go any further, it will give them an error message. There are two things to keep in mind if you delete the DemoBoard, this DemoBoard is now permanently deleted and if you want them to be able to see the demo again you will need to create a new DemoBoard. Second, now that the DemoBoard is deleted the Demolytics for it will be deleted as well. 

Another possible option is to expire the DemoBoard. This option is reversible, as you can reactivate your DemoBoard. See this article for walkthrough.